FIB Garant

FIB Garant is a conservative mutual fund, investing primarily in fixed income instruments. FIB Garant offers investors the low risk of current income, enhancing its return by an up-to 20% investment in equities.

NAV NAV/unit Daily return Annual return YtD return Issue price Redemption price
4 762 525.77 BGN
2 435 040.76 EUR
1.2339 BGN
0.6309 EUR
-0.20% 6.38% 1.83% 1.2339 BGN
0.6309 EUR
1.2339 BGN
0.6309 EUR

Prices for orders submitted on 14.02.2025


Investment objectives, strategy and policy

FIB Garant is a benchmark-agnostic open-ended conservative mutual fund, registered in Bulgaria. Through an investment in FIB Garant we offer...

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Subscription and redemption procedures

The investors can subscribe (purchase) units of FFBH Vostok in FFBH Asset Management’s office - 2 Enos Str., Sofia, 5th floor (See map), and in all branches of Fibank, entered in the register kept by FSC.

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Equity Allocation 14.02.2025

Asset Allocation 14.02.2025

Return Rate Calculator

Тhe return is calculated on net asset value per unit. According to Bulgarian Association of Asset Management Companies’ methodology, the return for periods less than one year is not annualized.

Risk Profile
