Doverie to buy back 10k shares on September 30 (NEUTRAL)

30.09.2024 Source: Doverie United Holding; FFBH

Doverie United Holding (DUH) announced that, in relation to a GSM resolution from June 27, 2024 and BoD decision taken on September 27, it intends to buy back 10 000 own shares on September 30. The company has set the repurchase price at BGN 8.46/share. Doverie has already bought back 10k shares at BGN 8.70/share on September 10, 10k shares on September 25 at BGN 8.50/share and 5k shares at BGN 8.46/share on September 27. The repurchase program is for up to 3% of the company’s shares per year, but not more than 10% in total with lower and the upper price limit of respectively BGN 7.00 and BGN 12.00 per share, and term until 27 June 2029.